... alles für einen Zugewinn an Informationen, aus denen mehr erwachsen als (Gott)Vertrauen aufzubauen, zu stärken ... um geistige und körperliche Kräfte zu mobilisieren, um sie schon in der vernetzten Welt gelassen zu entgegnen ...
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... was ist menschlicher als Spuren zu hinterlassen; wenn doch unser Dasein aus Erfahrenes besteht, alles andere lässt doch unsere Hoffnungen nur flackern - oder?
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Warum sollten mir m. Freiheiten ( ... ) bei der Gestaltung ( ... ) nicht unverzichtbar sein; wenn es landläufig bekannt ist, dass man niemandem recht machen kann .... wer aber nicht hören will,
der muss es schon haben ... auch wenn alles andere ein weites Feld
ist ...
"If you
can't make people smile, at least don't be the reason why they cry. If you can't give people reasons to remain positive, then
don't add more negativity to their lives."
Be someone's strength, someone's inspiration, someone's reason to remain hopeful. If you can't be the sunshine in people's life, at least don't cause the
In times of pain and struggles, people only seek
those who care and who will always be there, can you be that person people will look up to in their difficult and trying times?
If you can make a difference in someone's life, make
sure it is either a positive one or none.
You will always be remembered for two things, the
problem you solved or the ones you created.
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will always turn out great for people who make great things out of whatever turned out. (s. m. Blog-Artikel 66!)
You don't have to be a product of your circumstances, you can choose to
create yours.
Your life is 100% your responsibility, Your destiny is in your hands,
what you decide to do or not do determines how it ends.
Like Benjamin Disraeli rightly said, "Man is not the creature of
circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of men."
Stop complaining and giving excuses, start making changes. Don't leave
your life to fate, with faith in God, you can create your desired outcome.
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